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Secure take-over of a complex Salesforce System
Maintenance and continuous development


One of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world


Development and maintenance of Salesforce Platform for the APAC region


Comprehensive Service Delivery, Development, Maintenance, Testing

The Challenge

The Client looked for a reliable service provider who would address the below needs:

  • Ensuring business continuity. Long queue of incidents and the lack of proper incident management led to negative reception of the system by the users.
  • Taking-over full responsibility for developing and maintaining the system.
  • Further development of the application – improvements and new functionalities.
  • Integrating other technologies into the Salesforce environment, i.e. CRM4U – the primary database for hospitals and physicians.
  • Addressing emerging business needs in the APAC region connected to Salesforce-based processes.
  • Developing a new application compatible with iOS in order facilitate the work of sales representatives in the region, who work on the road, often with no Internet connection.

The Solution

Our highly experienced experts managed to take over the solution in just two weeks, quickly learning all the intricacies of a very complex system. First, we further developed an innovative 64-bit iOS application (compatible with iOS 11) that helped our Client to facilitate the work of their field salesforce. Secondly, we implemented new release management tools. These tools, combined with the implementation of new procedures, help to significantly reduce the number of incidents in a very short time. At the moment, working in a Scrum framework, our team is responsible for fixing issues reported by users, implementing new functionalities within Salesforce, and integrating it with other systems in the Client’s organization. New releases of the application are having their Go-live every 3 months.

The Outcomes

Fewer incidents, shorter queues, and clearer rules made the system more user-friendly and positively reviewed by its users. By successfully integrating the technologies related to Salesforce and management processes, we’ve ensured proper alignment of organizational and technological functionalities. Most importantly, by performing complex code refactoring and closely verifying each development, we’ve helped our Client to secure seamless production and management processes.