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19 January 2021 | Marcin Kapuscinski

MS Teams dynamic view

We wrote about the tendency to “humanize” remote work last year (see article here). In March 2021, the MS Teams platform will follow this trend, presenting its new, more interactive version. Dynamic view – this is the name of the new interface after “tuning”.

Microsoft Teams is an extensive tool for remote work, the primary use of which is meetings with colleagues. The other functionalities have expanded the capabilities of the entire platform so much, that they are the most exposed during video calls. For example, when we want to share the desktop during a meeting, other participants will disappear from the screen.

In the new version, we will be able to see both the content shared and the people connected with us. The creators of MS Teams emphasize, that this is an opportunity for greater involvement of participants – e.g. during screen (presentation) sharing, we can observe their reactions. For some, it may be only a minor change, for others, a revolution, that will significantly affect the concentration and active participation of colleagues, and thus, will be the next step in making remote work similar to conventional.

Artificial intelligence will be used to optimize the content provided and the view of participants. However, Dynamic view will also allow the possibility of personalization – it will be possible to change the meeting view, depending on the needs.

Marcin Kapuściński – Transition Technologies Managed Services