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Transition Technologies: anti-crisis plans work

Transition Technologies Capital Group achieved operating revenue of over PLN 200 million in the first half of 2020, which is a 25% increase year to year.

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Transition Technologies — is it Covid-proof?

Transition Technologies Capital Group — IT leader in the field of energy, gas, medical IT and industry, summarizes the first quarter and forecasts the first half of of 2020.

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11-07-2020 | ,

Transition Technologies: next year we will not be the same, but certainly with a higher turnover.

You can already see the importance of remote work and IT systems, and the sector’s resilience to limitations — in some ways you should look at the crisis as a unique opportunity for IT — says prof. Konrad Świrski, CEO of Transition Technologies Capital Group, interviewed by Computerworld. Here are the most interesting insights after reading this conversation.

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