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21-08-2020 | , ,

Cloud of development opportunities with appropriate CRM system

Young companies are usually reluctant to use advanced customer relationship management systems (CRM) mostly for rational reasons: financial and organizational issues, the availability of classic solutions (i. e. spreadsheets) and free tools. It often turns out that the applied solutions are not sufficient. There are growing needs in the area of management systems that allow process automation, their improvement and the increase of team efficiency. This is not only about client categorization and archiving the steps that are being taken, but also about the flow of information between the team members and the documents and materials management. At the same time, every change is a challenge related to adopting the new system and its effective usage on a daily basis. The decision about using CRM does not always go in line with the need for development, but it may raise some doubts.

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15-07-2020 |

Simplifying system design with mediator pattern

For a couple of years now we see a rightful trend of simplifying applications and making user interactions with even very complex systems as smooth and as sleak as possible. However, to achieve such a simplicity and comfort in the user experience area, it’s not an unusual case that underneath the hood systems run quite complex processing algorithms and operate with numerous different APIs. In this article I would like to share some ideas on how, with just a couple of development tricks you may also simplify your back-end code, making it more concise, easier to maintain and potentially making it more fun to work with.

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Transition Technologies — is it Covid-proof?

Transition Technologies Capital Group — IT leader in the field of energy, gas, medical IT and industry, summarizes the first quarter and forecasts the first half of of 2020.

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11-07-2020 | ,

Transition Technologies: next year we will not be the same, but certainly with a higher turnover.

You can already see the importance of remote work and IT systems, and the sector’s resilience to limitations — in some ways you should look at the crisis as a unique opportunity for IT — says prof. Konrad Świrski, CEO of Transition Technologies Capital Group, interviewed by Computerworld. Here are the most interesting insights after reading this conversation.

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