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26-10-2020 | , ,

Salesforce and Teams integration - cooperation or competition?

#Teams and #salesforce tags in one post?

It is fully justified, because from today Salesforce functions as an application, integrated with the Microsoft Teams platform, although both parties still cautiously call it “pilot”.

It’s hard to talk about a surprise here, because previously the CRM software vendor chose Microsoft Azure as the cloud provider.

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21-08-2020 | , ,

Cloud of development opportunities with appropriate CRM system

Young companies are usually reluctant to use advanced customer relationship management systems (CRM) mostly for rational reasons: financial and organizational issues, the availability of classic solutions (i. e. spreadsheets) and free tools. It often turns out that the applied solutions are not sufficient. There are growing needs in the area of management systems that allow process automation, their improvement and the increase of team efficiency. This is not only about client categorization and archiving the steps that are being taken, but also about the flow of information between the team members and the documents and materials management. At the same time, every change is a challenge related to adopting the new system and its effective usage on a daily basis. The decision about using CRM does not always go in line with the need for development, but it may raise some doubts.

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01-08-2020 |


Young companies are usually reluctant to use complex systems supporting customer relationship management (the so-called CRMs). Most of the reasons for this attitude sound quite rational. The key issues are financial and organizational issues, as well as the ability to effectively use available solutions (e.g. classic spreadsheets) or free tools.

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